Adam Michalczyk

Adam Michalczyk

Adam Michalczyk teaches Scrum. He persistently tries to find out why Scrum doesn’t work. He worked as a developer, was a manager, created big applications at Allegro. Today he provides advice to organisations, and is proud to be a part of Professional Scrum Trainers community. He devotes a lot of energy to give an example of professionalism. It is not that easy as his cheerful and creative mind continuously looks for opportunities to learn something new while playing. He wants to understand people in their work environment and create better products. He has significantly contributed to organisation of the Polish edition of Agile Coach Camp – an event which each year gathers hundreds of people to discover agility together.

Adam Michalczyk’s passion is unquestionably developing leadership in self-organizing structures. One can say it’s contradictory but he deeply believes that leadership is the core of self-organization.
He states that his personal goal is to develop people around him and to achieve business goals while having a lot of fun.

Over the last 8 years of his professional career, he has been working at the leading e-commerce company in Poland – Allegro. He started as a Software Developer and Systems Administrator in a small hosting company. That was a good lesson for a rookie. Then he was hired by the company he dreamt of working for – Allegro. He started to work there as a Senior Developer, moved on to management and found his way from being a manager to being a leader for people around. Along the way he was a Scrum Master/Manager, Product Owner, Executive Coach and the funniest name of all – Scrum Master Manager, when he was responsible for making the development agile.
He often says that he is very thankful to Allegro for gaining diverse experience in team development, Scrum and agility when Allegro was making its way to being agile at scale. Adam enjoys his contribution to 40+ highly skilled, productive development teams.

Being a part of Agile community, Adam brought the Agile Coach Camp format to Poland and is proud to be the part of these gatherings twice a year. Adam is also a speaker at various conferences, spreading the word about self-organization, leadership and agility.
Being sure that life is an enormous learning opportunity, he now gets insightful lessons about communication and seeing the world from a different perspective from his amazing six-year-old daughter.

Do not reinvent the wheel. Management theories applied to modern agile

Room Enterprise A

Aren’t we reinventing the wheel? Similarly to today’s thirty-year-olds discovering “previously unknown” coffee and cognac. For decades, the theory of management has developed models and practices which we often condemn or a priori consider unimportant or incorrect just because they originated in the previous epochs. During the workshop, we will discuss a few such theories […]

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